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Breaking Barriers to Learning – EDClass, a Reintegration Solution 


The SEND & AP Improvement plan intends to:

“develop new approaches to the funding of alternative provision, based on the three-tier system that prioritises preventative work and reintegration of pupils back into mainstream schools.”

Here at EDClass, we agree that alternative provisions should be used as reintegrative measures. A child’s education should be continued in a mainstream setting when it is appropriate and schools must utilise the most effective solution.

EDClass prioritises the personal development of students from a holistic approach – in terms of their behaviour, welfare and academic improvement. Are you worried about students working from home? Worried if they’ll receive high-quality education and if they’ll get outstanding support? EDClass can help you keep track and monitor your students’ learning wherever they are, with over 17,000 pre-made lessons to set students on their learning pathway. EDClass can help you:

✅ Positively reintegrate your students back into the mainstream classroom when the time is appropriate.

✅ Decrease teachers’ workload through EDClass’ extensive library of pre-made content adhering to the current curriculum.

✅ Safeguard your students remotely with robust safeguarding measures that implement a supportive structure.

If you would like to book an online demonstration of the platform then please call 01909 568338, send an email to mail@edclass.com or book directly below.