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Breaking Barriers to Learning – EDClass’ Off-Site Direction Solution  


The school inspection handbook states:

“Where pupils, including those in PRUs and other alternative providers, attend off-site alternative provision, inspectors will evaluate the extent to which these placements are safe and effective in promoting pupils’ progress.” 

Focusing on the pupil’s progress aspect, an off-site alternative provision should be a space where progression can be made academically and behaviorally. EDClass’ online alternative provision can allow students to learn asynchronously with one-to-one support from UK-qualified teachers where they feel safe.

Pupil’s progress is tracked and reported for you to provide more than sufficient evidence when an inspection occurs. In addition to this, when your students are learning online they are fully safeguarded with several features. EDClass can:

✅ Focus on the personal development of your students and improve their behaviour even when they are learning remotely. Our UK-qualified teachers provide an effective pastoral wraparound approach so your students feel appreciated, subsequently enhancing their behaviour and attainment scores. 

✅ Provide evidence-based tracking relating to attendance and attainment levels fixating on any areas for improvement and supplying supportive measures for your students. 

✅ Safeguard your students whilst they are learning and can alert our staff if they ever feel in danger. Our team will deal with any incident instantly and follow correct and effective safeguarding procedures.

If you would like to book an online demonstration of the platform then please call 01909 568338, send an email to mail@edclass.com or book directly below.