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Breaking Barriers to Learning – Mental Health Support 


Children’s and young people’s mental health should be highly considered at all times when choosing an alternative provision. The SEND & AP Improvement Plan highlights how the government intends to:

“Fulfil children’s potential: Better outcomes driven by earlier identification of needs and evidence-based targeted support to meet needs promptly, including mental health support.”

Pastoral care is a very important component at EDClass and a massive effort to improve the mental health of students using the platform is implemented. EDClass’ online alternative provision allows flexible learning for students with one-to-one support, custom layouts and audio support available.

Students follow a designated pathway of learning, that addresses their starting points and implements evidence-based content with continuous assessment. This simultaneously improves their mental health as they feel as though they can work at a comfortable rate and their learning can flourish.  EDClass can

✅ Experienced UK-qualified teachers supporting students’ academic learning and wellbeing.

✅ Claim attendance codes for students completing lessons on their learning pathway.

✅ Safeguards your students remotely with robust safeguarding features available.

If you would like to book an online demonstration of the platform then please call 01909 568338, send an email to mail@edclass.com or book directly below.