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Breaking Barriers to Learning – Implement EDClass and track the impact  


The school inspection handbook states when concerning intent, implementation and impact: 

“Inspectors will not grade intent, implementation and impact separately and will not grade individual lessons or teachers. Instead, inspectors will reach a single graded judgement for the quality of education, drawing on all the evidence they have gathered and using their professional judgement.”

Implementing high-quality education for your students in alternative provisions is vital. The curriculum needs to engaging, challenging and overall comprehensible for your students. 

EDClass provides several ways to implement student improvement intent and evidences everything to help track their progression. Do you have students who need a safe and secure support model for their learning? Would they benefit from learning on an online alternative provision that provides one-to-one support from UK-qualified teachers? EDClass can:

✅ Offer high-quality teaching and learning from UK-qualified teachers for your students and they can access live support from them during school hours. 

✅ Provide timely and effective support highlighting a student’s starting point and implement designated pathways of learning to accommodate their learning requirements. 

✅ Safeguard students whilst they are learning with a designated learning pathway assigned to them tracking attainment and attendance.

✅ SEND students are supported both academically and pastorally with learning specific to them so they aren’t left behind by their peers. 

If you would like to book an online demonstration of the platform then please call 01909 568338, send an email to mail@edclass.com or book directly below.