Breaking Barriers to Learning – EDClass’ Online Alternative Provision Solution
When choosing an alternative provision provider, is it essential that you choose one that is supplying high-quality education and sequenced lessons with a broad and balanced curriculum. The school inspection handbook outlines:
“When evaluating pupils’ attainment and progress, inspectors will consider the ways in which the school has identified, assessed and met the needs of pupils. They will evaluate the progress that pupils have made since they began to attend the alternative provision.”
It is important to focus on the personal development of students when they are attending an alternative provision. In addition to this, reintegrating students back into mainstream settings should be prioritised and EDClass does exactly this.
EDClass can help support your students learning from a remote location, in PRUs, inclusion rooms or many other instances. EDClass can reduce your workload and also positively reintegrate your students. With over 17,000 pre-made lessons and a proven gap analysis model, you and your students both benefit from a platform that:
✅ Raises students’ attendance rates which can be doubled by being on our platform.
✅ Decreases teachers’ workload through EDClass’ library of extensive pre-made content.
✅ Safeguards your students remotely with robust safeguarding features available.
If you would like to book an online demonstration of the platform then please call 01909 568338, send an email to mail@edclass.com or book directly below.