An Online Alternative Provision

Wes Hewitson
Hi, if you have an increasing number of school refusers, students with physical/mental health issues, persistent absences, fixed-term exclusion, failed managed moves and safeguarding concerns. I can take you through how EDClass can provide a solution for students with complex circumstances when there is no other option.
Mental Health & Anxiety
EDClass offers a variety of features that can help students with mental health and anxiety to succeed, such as self-paced learning, flexible learning, and one-on-one support.
Persistent Absence
EDClass teachers are highly qualified and experienced in working with students who have persistent absences. They can provide students with the support they need to succeed academically and emotionally.
6th-Day Provision
EDClass can be used as a 6th-day provision supporting students with behavioural problems or who are at risk of exclusion. This also significantly reduces teacher workload with engaging content being provided helping support a successful reintegration.
Off-site Direction
EDClass is perfectly designed to support students in an off-site direction. Our UK-qualified teachers can monitor students’ learning online support them when necessary and ensure they are safe.
Positive Reintegration
EDClass can be used to help support a successful and postive reintegration for students back into a mainstream setting. With one-to-one suppoprt and high-quality education, students can regain their confidence and have better experiences with their learning.
EDClass can be used in an ‘Education Other Than At School’ element and allows students to learn in a setting they feel most comfortable. This can allow education to be completed anywhere safely and securely.