We are here to help
We can support your students, safeguard them and help them to continue learning at home to minimise the disruption that time out of education could cause.
If you are a school that has taken steps to close to reduce the risk of spreading infection, don’t hesitate to get in touch to find out how we can help support the education of your students while they are at home.

Our unique approach to online learning allows your students to gain a valuable education away from the classroom
Remote Access
Online Support
Our tutors will guide your students through their lessons taking into account their current learning ability.
Marking and Feedback
Our teachers will mark all of the work submitted by students and provide them with detailed feedback. Users can view full statistics and tracking of progress overtime.
The safegaurding of your off-site students is our greatest priority
Safety Questionnaires
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Recent Blog Posts

Coronavirus in Schools: Everything You Need to Know

Safeguarding: How to Ensure Your Child is Safeguarded at Home

Learning and Revising Using a Virtual Classroom

Coronavirus in Schools: Will Summer Exams Go Ahead?

Continue Your Learning While at Home